mandag 26. juli 2010

oh's been a while now...'s been a while since last entry eyh? well..sorry about that. I guess when I have so little to do, the little things like updating a blog kind of gets forgotten. I don't know...

anyway..So school started again today...Sounds like it's going to be fun... and a lot of work. The commercial class is going to be a b***h this semester.. But I'll do my best to get all the assignments done... Web design seems fairly easy, hoping to do well in that course, will be up and running shortly I hope...

Portraiture and Indigenous are the other two courses this semester. Haven't had any of those yet, have portraiture tomorrow and Indg. on Wednesday.... Not to excited about that indigenous this though... I really don't like writing essays and stuff... Also I can't see the point of me learning this, can't see the relevance to photography...but got to do it anyway...

On the more personal front there is not that much to tell really. Haven't done anything cool during the holiday's. Except doing some work with Phil A. Payne.... Going to tell a bit more of that later, when it's all confirmed. hehe...

Think i have some pictures to upload.. But since we went over our download limit this month our internet speed sucks a**, so gonna wait with that till the next month...

And I will try to be a bit better at updating this blog, I think I have made such a promise earlier, but have failed to do so. But this time my friends..... Am I probably going to fail yet again... hehhehe
but I will try...hehe

Oh... My dear father is turning 48 today...I think...hehe..well I know his birthday is today, I'm just a bit unsure of the age... Think he was born in '62....or it might be '61....anyway....still 40's closing up to 50..hehe.. Happy Birthday Dad!... Phil is going to be happy, he's been talking about getting his name on "world of lars" for some time now... and now his name is here...hehe.. You're welcome Phil... hehe :D

And just to give you guys a little preview of what Phil and I are working on, check out

hm....I guess this is it for this time....

torsdag 10. juni 2010

doing the reports


I just had to show you guys an image... The programme I'm enrolled in says photography, but when I look at what I'm doing right now, I'm not so sure....

onsdag 2. juni 2010's been a while since last update.... I kinda forgot about this blog for a month... It's been a stressing time at school lately, not much to tell about my life.. It's just school work... Anyway...I got a question a while back.. well.. more like a comment really..on facebook. A mate back home noticed that Vegar (Fluffy) and I had a lot of status comments regarding our essays and research reports and wondered if we actually took some pictures while studying to be a photographer... hehe.... actually, we don't take a lot of photos...but we do take some.. so i gathered up some images I've taken the last couple of months... not all are school work though..hehe but here they are.... enjoy

From a road trip... and some personal work....
By the way.. the pictures above is a lighting ratio assignment.. taken on 120 transparency film (medium format, Hasselblad)

These are from a workshop at photo camp.... also shown earlier on this blog

Some images taken for Photographic Nude class

Also for nude class..

These are 5x4 shots for Commercial class.... (Large format, 5x4 inches film sheet, awesome)

Some more personal work.. A friend that is pregnant wanted some pictures :)

And last some more personal work...fancy portraits :)

happy now Stan?


mandag 19. april 2010


Here are some pictures from the Theory of photo imaging processes tutorial and some of the studio and it surroundings...

BTW.. right before this entry there is a cooking lesson entry... check it out...

Light beam passing through a glass object.. cool right? this is also what happens when light hitts water (or any transparent material for that mater) the light "slows" down and thus changing direction... it's actually quite interesting.

Here you see a light beam pass through a prism.. which actually breaks up the light into the visible specturm... But since these prisms were of some cheap plastic and not glass, it's not that easy to see... therefore did I put two prisms in the light beam:) so you can se the colours at the top there... :)

Light reflecting within a glass object... one beam was coloured red with a filter... so you can see the effect better...
Here is one you actually see the reflections (bouncing) in the glass a whole lot better...
fun to look at right? I've found out that light has some really interesting features..
I knew most of this from before.. but somehow it gets more intreresting when you have actually seen it with your own eyes...

And now.. some pictures from our facilities at Griffith....

First is the view...hehe.. this is the view right outside form our studio...
And how it looks down the path...

Here you see how one of the studio's look like... I think it's about 9 of these studios...
and there are some else also....but I havent used them yet..

And last a picture from one lecture/demonstration in Commercial photo techniques class...

Well...this is all for this time... be sure to check out the cooking lesson...

cya later

A cooking lesson...

Yep....that's right... a cooking lesson....well.. not quite a lesson but more like I show and tell you how and what I use to make when I'm eating alone.... (well...we do sometimes eat this together aswell)

Anyway.. this is what i call baconpasta àla lars :) sounds good right? hehe what you need is : (by the way.. im not cooking with any just wing it)

Philidelphia (some kind of creamed cheese)
Thickened cream
Spices (Italian, pepper mix, tandoori mix, garlic, cajun)
Red onion

First you start with cooking the pasta... just let it boil while you're cooking the rest.

Then you take a little pile of bacon... like the one in the pic below

Cut it up in little pieces (yes, that it what goes as bacon in this country, or they call it side bacon, cheap and quite good)

Let it cook for a little bit so the bacon juices start to come out... then you add the spices

After a little time you add the onions..

Let the onions cook with the bacon and spices for a while then you add the cream

mmm....looks good right?
yeah... after the cream has cooked a while with the rest you add the philidelphia cheese

At this time the pasta should be done.. so then before you mix inn the philidelphia add the pasta.
Mix it all together... good...

When you're done it should look something like the one above here :)

Acutally there is some ingredients to my pasta...But I did not have this in my fridge today.. so I made it without...

What you should also get for this is some cheese (cheddar, mozzerella, jarlsberg, norvegia, parmesan whatever) and some mushrooms...

The mushrooms you should slice up and cook before you put in the bacon... and the cheese before the philidelphia....

You could also get a philidelphia with flavor.. today I used the regular one.. but I often use the one flavored with garlic and herbs....

Also fresh garlic is very good in this pasta.... :)

now... ENJOY:)

mandag 12. april 2010

some school work

I promised you some pictures of a advertising assignment... so I guess I have to post some of them then...

This is a picture we took for reflection and exposure references. Different surfaces and textures.. real exciting right?
oh well...moving on...

A colour palette. Just a grey background lighted with colour.. It is colour gels (filters) that we put in front of the flash heads so the light gets the colour we want. And it depends on the power output and the settings in the camera how bright the colour gets.

Cool right? yeah.... NEXT!

This is the main event in the assignment.... All the other pictures were taken to prepare us for this shot... it's shot with a 5x4 camera.. which means that the negative (or in this case the negative is actually positive, called transparency film) is 5x4 in size.. inches... yes it is... and it is not a roll of film.. only single sheets... hm..hang on... I'll find a link to somewhere that can show you what kind of camera I'm talking about...
could not find one... (I didn't bother looking so hard either) but you can do it your self... just google 5x4 camera or large format camera... it's easy:)

anyway... I have a picture of one.... I'll show you that.. hehe

So yeah.... there it is... quite fun to work with...but it takes forever... hard work... moving on!

sooooo back to the shot of the glass.... Nice isn't it? hehe.. yeah.. it is what we call multi-exposure.. that means that I have exposure'd the film for light multiple times... In this case we did it three times... One for each colour in the background and one for the highlights in the glass.

I had to make huge stencils for the background... one for each colour... the background had to be white where I wanted the colour I had on the flash heads and black for where I didn't want it.. And of course the other way around with the other colour...

In other words..this was a incredible hard way to do a easy picture...

Now you can see why I haven't posted any school work yet... There is not that much to show... Its more for technical practise.... hehe you have seen some.... I'll post more school work after I've done some... have just finished this one.. don't have anything else at this moment...


lørdag 10. april 2010

another one about comments

Hey again..

When I'm sitting here writing entry's for this blog I always wounder how many readers I actually got...

Soooo..... I figured I had to check in someway....

I don't know if there is a way to put a visitor counter on the blog.. but that is no fun....

Instead I will make a competition....hihiih... To enter this competition is quite easy... but there are rules... and I trust you people to be honest...

To enter just put your name in the comments for this entry... and the rule is that you can't just put it there if this is the first time you're reading this blog....hahahhahah... get it? you have to have read this blog before...hihiih.....

Yeah...and back to the competition...There should be a prize would that be? I don't know if I have anything you want...

Yeah.... I got it... The winner gets the choice of a drawing or a tattoo design :D

I'll "close" the compotition the 20th of you got about 10 days to submit your name..

And how I will choose the winner? well... I will pick one.. and I'll ask four others to pick one... and the one that gets most "votes" win!

good luck

and be honest!